Are You Overwhelming Your Clients? Pt 3: Too Many Choices
With Allison Tyler Jones
Owner | ATJ Photo & The ReWork
Gilbert, Arizona
DATE: November 21, 2024
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Being an expert means confidently guiding clients using your vision and skill. As portrait photographers, it’s up to us to help clients document their memories, and decide where each portrait will “live” in their space.
The problem is, we offer TOO MANY CHOICES.
Showing too many images to clients is probably the single, biggest sales mistake I see photographers making.
As a result, clients are overwhelmed and paralyzed trying to decide between images we should have already tightly curated for them.
Our expertise is to show clients what images truly resonate – the meaningful image, not an endless parade of slightly different images where none stand out or feel special.
Free yourself from overwhelm; try this exercise, force yourself to streamline and focus on a single, compelling image to capture each concept (or pose) that you’ve photographed.
Does just the thought of doing this give you an ulcer? That’s just fear talking. Fear that showing more makes the experience more valuable.
It doesn’t.
In fact, the opposite is true. Showing less, but better images, is a super power and one that will have your sales meetings moving more quickly and your sales closing faster.
Let’s turn that fear into power. I challenge you to show less, and offer more focus; focus on the meaning and emotion in each image that makes them special.
Tune in this week as I wrap up this three-part miniseries: Are You Overwhelming Your Clients? Part 3: Too Many Choices
Are you ready to help clients stress less and by showing less?
Tune in, and let’s bring clarity to your client’s choices.
Make ‘less is more’ not just a saying but a way of working.
Let’s Do It!
In this episode, you will learn the importance of
- How simplifying choices for clients can prevent decision paralysis and enhance satisfaction
- More choices does not always mean better
- How too many options can create anxiety and confusion
- Curating images with a skilled eye to deliver the best choice and value to clients
- How guiding clients with expertise and a clear vision helps them feel confident in their decisions
- Reducing the number of images shown by 30% and how that can lead to smoother sales appointments
[01:00] This episode addresses avoiding excess choices with your clients.
[02:28] Offering too many product options increases client anxiety and decision paralysis.
[05:07] Guiding clients through fewer, curated choices shows expertise and makes selection easier for them.
[08:10] With a focused vision, combine your talent with clients’ unique needs to showcase tailored options.
[10:47] Only present clients with the best image from each pose, avoiding overwhelming choices.
[13:24] Presenting fewer options helps clients choose confidently without second-guessing themselves.
[15:53] Limiting individual images of each family member prevents clients from feeling overwhelmed.
[17:59] To help prevent decision fatigue, offer a curated selection.
[20:27] Clients don’t actually want to see every possible image or product option, so curation is so important.
[24:54] ATJ’s challenge for listeners: reduce session elements by 30% to avoid overwhelming clients with choices and experiences.
[27:05] ATJ encourages confidence in offering clients a curated, streamlined experience as the true value.
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Links and Resources:
Download a Transcript
Ultimate Client Consultation Form
Barry Schwartz – The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less