Are You Overwhelming Your Clients? Pt 2: Too Much “Experience”
With Allison Tyler Jones
Owner | ATJ Photo & The ReWork
Gilbert, Arizona
DATE: November 14, 2024
Powered by RedCircle
Are you overwhelming your clients with too much experience? You know, the creative whirlwind that sounds like a great idea during your brainstorm session but that, in real life, might just be a tad too much.
You want your clients to have an AMAZING, UNFORGETTABLE experience with you.
An experience they brag about to others.
An experience that transcends just getting their “picture taken.”
An experience they can’t get anywhere else.
But are you overdoing it on experience to the point that it becomes overwhelming or even exhausting to your client?
Join us for Part 2 of our discussion about Client Overwhelm.
Tune in as I explore how creative ADD coupled with self-doubt can drive you to keep adding more and more: more outfits, backgrounds, or props than anyone needs. Hours of hair, makeup, multiple locations and hours of shooting.
More is more right?
Remember, your job is to focus on what the client truly needs and to provide a memorable, but not exhausting, session.
In this episode I’ll explore the idea of shooting with intention, sharing some tips on how to refocus our energy so that we’re delivering not just memories but meaningful products.
I’ll help you make a mindset shift from adding on all the extra stuff to focusing on what means the most to your client, in the session and after.
You’ll learn about the absolute magic of creative constraints.
Trust me, narrowing down is where your genius shines.
From managing variables to embracing simplicity, this episode is all about refining your approach for clients who are thrilled with your process AND can’t wait for their next session with you.
Be sure to tune in next week for our third and final episode of this series when I discuss how to determine if you’re overwhelming clients with too many choices.
Let’s Do It!
In this episode, you will learn the importance of
- simplifying the client experience and eliminating unnecessary variables
- focusing on the finished product rather than an elaborate, drawn-out experience
- using the concept of the “minimum effective dose” to determine the smallest amount of effort or time needed
- creative constraints and how they can enhance focus and creativity, allowing photographers to capture the most impactful images with simplicity
- pre-session consultations to create a clear agenda, aligning client expectations with achievable outcomes
[01:03] This week’s episode discusses how overwhelming clients with too much experience can hurt business.
[03:17] Overcomplicating the process and adding too much can overwhelm clients.
[06:57] The solution is to shift focus from experience to selling the finished product, guiding with consultation.
[09:25] Using a consultation form and creative constraints helps simplify the process and focus on essentials.
[11:13] Focus on shooting just enough images and experiences to meet the desired outcome.
[14:26] Limit unnecessary variables.
[17:15] Simplify sessions by reducing things like outfit changes and locations.
[19:37] Focus on the finished product and simplify the experience by narrowing creative decisions to match the client’s needs.
[22:10] Narrowing variables and focusing on what’s best for the client creates a valuable, efficient experience.
[24:38] Review areas where you’ve added overwhelm, simplify, and focus on the minimum effective dose for desired results.
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Links and Resources:
Download a Transcript
Ultimate Client Consultation Form
The ReWork #113: Who Are You and What Are You Actually Selling?
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris