Allison Tyler Jones: Hi, friends. This episode of the ReWork is part of a series featuring several of the students from our Art of Selling Art course that we launched for the first time in the summer of 2021. These students are sharing the big and not so big changes that they’ve made in their business over the last few months, changes that have scared them but made a big difference to their confidence, their session sales averages, the products that they’re selling, how they speak to their clients, and they also share the successes they’ve had while doing it scared. I can’t wait for you to hear their stories because I know you’re going to find them just as inspiring as I did.
Recorded: Welcome to the ReWork with Allison Tyler Jones, a podcast dedicated to inspiring portrait photographers to uniquely brand, profitably price, and confidently sell their best work. Allison has been doing just that for the last 15 years and she’s proven that it’s possible to create unforgettable art and run a portrait business that supports your family and your dreams. All it takes is a little Rework. Episodes will include interviews with experts from in and outside of the photo industry, mini workshops, and behind-the-scenes secrets that Allison uses in her portrait studio every single day. She will challenge your thinking and inspire your confidence to create a profitable, sustainable portrait business you love through continually refining and reworking your business. Let’s do the ReWork.
Allison Tyler Jones: Welcome back to The ReWork. Today’s guest is Julie Collins. She is a 10-year portrait photographer veteran from Wisconsin, specializing in children, newborn, families, and seniors, and she has made some big and not so big changes in her business in the last few months that have resulted in her more than doubling her average sale. She’s raised her prices. She’s increased her efficiency and time management, and added a few benefits to her life that have helped her be able to spend more time with her boys and make her business run a little more smoothly. I’m excited for you to hear her advice, her experience, and what she’s done along the way to make a big difference in her business. Let’s do it.
Allison Tyler Jones: Well, I’m so excited to have Julie Collins here today with us. Welcome, Julie.
Julie Collins: Hey, I’m happy to be here.
Allison Tyler Jones: Thank you so much for taking the time. I know you’re busy and we just really appreciate you sharing your inspiration and knowledge with us.
Julie Collins: My pleasure.
Allison Tyler Jones: So tell us a little bit for the listeners that don’t know you, tell a little bit about who you are, where you’re located, what you do.
Julie Collins: Okay. Well, as you said, I’m Julie Collins. My business name is Julie Collins Photography, and I am in Southeastern Wisconsin. I photograph babies, children, newborns and seniors. Did I say babies and newborns? Yeah. I meant families. Families, newborns, seniors, and children. And I’ve been in business full-time, I’m coming up on 10 years. 10 years in August.
Allison Tyler Jones: Congratulations. Are you doing anything fun about that?
Julie Collins: I need to think of something, but nothing’s coming to mind right now.
Allison Tyler Jones: Okay. Well, I don’t want to put you on the spot. Okay. So keep going. So 10 years, Wisconsin.
Julie Collins: That’s about it. That’s my story. What more do you want to know?
Allison Tyler Jones: Well, so you’ve been in 10 years and you have a studio.
Julie Collins: Yes, I do.
Allison Tyler Jones: Okay.
Julie Collins: It’s an in-home studio, but, yes.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. I love that. I love an in-home studio. So tempting to go back to that because the commune is so good.
Julie Collins: Yeah. I do love that. I love the commune, but it is a little hard to separate family life and business life. So there’s that that I do miss about going to work, going somewhere.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. There’s good and bad of both for sure. I get that. Yeah. When I was working till like 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning, I was like, “Probably I should have my studio outside of my house.”
Julie Collins: Exactly. Yeah.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. I know. It can get crazy.
Julie Collins: I’ve have those days before. Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Allison Tyler Jones: So, tell me about some changes that you’ve made in your business in the last year after we had some time in the Art of Selling Art course together, some changes that you’ve made that have been positive for your business.
Julie Collins: Sure. Okay. So, one really big change that I made was earning more money, which is always fabulous.
Allison Tyler Jones: That’s awesome.
Julie Collins: Yeah. I feel I was kind of, I don’t want to say stuck, but I was right around the 2,000, $2,500 session range for my sales.
Allison Tyler Jones: Your average sale.
Julie Collins: My average sale. And that has just more than doubled, so I’m real happy about that. And I passed six figures very comfortably last year.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yay.
Julie Collins: So, I’m real happy about that, too. But I love the Art of Selling Art class because I feel like a lot of what I was doing was right. I was on the right path, but there was just so many things in there that were eye-opening that I took… For example, throughout the class, I feel like I kept seeing the same theme of simplify. Simplify, simplify, simplify, and whether that’s the words that you’re using to clarify your message to your clients, or even just simplifying your price list, making it really neat and concise and simplifying your products offering, getting rid of the little, how much you’re shooting, simplifying that, finding your number ones and really focusing on your number one clients and not having to go out and get a billion new clients, but just pampering the existing clients that you have.
Julie Collins: So all of that just kept coming back throughout the class and it just really hit me. I just feel like that really is something that I want to keep doing, is simplifying. And there’s a lot of books on this, too, that I’ve read recently. Right now I’m reading Subtract and I’ve read Do Less and Essentialism, and all of these themes are kind of the same. It’s like recondo. Recondo your life, recondo your business. And actually, I’m looking at a quote right now on my screen that I have from you from the class that helps me remember, and I’m going to read it to you. It’s, “Not doing something in favor of doing something else is really a marker of excellence, and it’s a marker of differentiation.”
Julie Collins: And I have it there to remind myself of this whole theme of, you don’t have to do it all. You need to just simplify. You need to bring it back. And that was actually a big theme at imaging this year, was the differentiation and standing out with them, bringing in Mike Michalowicz and out with his new book, Get Different. This whole idea of less is more, it’s just something that really speaks to me and that’s why I have that quote there, just to remind myself, “Step back. Calm down. You don’t have to do everything.”
Allison Tyler Jones: Right. Well, I love that. And as I’m sitting here looking at you, I can see that that would appeal because you are, like everything I’m looking at, is very clean. It’s very simple. It’s very clear. And so obviously that message resonates and attracts you because that is kind of who you already are.
Julie Collins: Right. Yeah. And actually, like Michalowicz was talking about that as well during his keynote, he was saying, “You’ll attract your ideal client by amplifying who you are. Just making more of you present and noticeable,” and that’s how you stand out and that’s how you differentiate.
Allison Tyler Jones: So why do you think we don’t do that more? Or, where do you think we go wrong with that?
Julie Collins: I think people spend too much time comparing themselves to what other people are doing, getting stuck on trends. “Well, this must be the new and best thing, so let’s just do that.” And they don’t take the time to really sit down and figure out if that’s really the right move for them.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. And I think, also, that is kind of a marker of a lack of confidence. It’s kind of like, “Well, I can’t possibly know, so I have to look at what somebody else is doing.” Not that we don’t have mentors and not that we don’t learn from others. Of course we do, but there’s, “Oh, I’m not going to get it right.” But there’s that Bruce Lee quote that says, “Take what works for you, basically, and get rid of all the rest.” That’s not an accurate quote, but if you look it up, you’ll find it. But it’s a really good one. But it’s just, you’re looking around you and instead of saying, “Oh, they’re better than me. I should be doing what they’re doing,” think, “What part of that do I like?”
Allison Tyler Jones: Because this is exactly what you just said, something that I said resonated. I said lots of different things, but what really resonated with you was that simplicity. And so, that’s true of any teacher, any class that you take. The other quote is like, “We don’t see the world as it is. We see it as we are.” So we self-select the things that we already do, and our clients do that, too. So if we’re being more and more of who we already are, we’re going to attract people that we love to work with, that totally get us.
Julie Collins: Right. That’s so true. That is so true. And you don’t want to work with people that are going to be fighting you every step the way.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. “I know you want to shoot in studio, but I really need to be photographed by a cactus.” It’s like, “No, I am not your girl.”
Julie Collins: Exactly. Exactly. So that was a big change, I feel like. Like you said, it just resonated with me.
Allison Tyler Jones: So what do you attribute your more than doubling your average sale? What do you attribute that success to?
Julie Collins: Well, I just really took a look at what I was charging and realized that it’s not sustainable and it’s not fair to my family. And another big thing that, something that I want to focus on and get better at this year was, efficiency and time management in my studio. I just listened to your masterclass the other day on scheduling. I was at imaging and I think I missed it, but anyway, I finally sat down and listened to it and I just… That’s so important to me as I’m a mom of four kids. I have four boys and one’s getting ready to… Well, he’ll be graduating next year.
Allison Tyler Jones: Oh, my gosh.
Julie Collins: Yeah. And so I just think now, if I’m not going to do it now, I mean, when am I going to do it? And you were mentioning working from home and having the freedom to work as much as you want. And I do love working, so it’s hard for me to turn that off and go upstairs and be with the family when I can just be right here in my cozy little studio doing my thing. But, yeah, time management and efficiency and taking control of my calendar is big, big, big on my list this year. So I think that’s going… I went off on a tangent because you were asking.
Allison Tyler Jones: No, I think that’s exactly right. And what you’ve done is, you did something scary. So you raised your prices. You became even more clear than… Because I feel like your message, I feel like your branding is very clear. I think that’s a huge strength for you. And so you became even more clear about what it is that you’re already doing. That allowed you to double your averages, which really in turn is going to allow you some more time freedom.
Julie Collins: Right, right.
Allison Tyler Jones: Because, yeah, you can turn things down if it’s sounding like it’s not going to be really the great thing and spend time with your boys and still make the same money.
Julie Collins: Right. Exactly. And I feel like some of the things that you said in the course, just really hit me as far as how I can do that mentally, because I feel like it’s a big mental breakthrough when you finally-
Allison Tyler Jones: Oh, my gosh [crosstalk 00:11:55].
Julie Collins: … push through and you’re realizing, like, “How can I charge $3,000 for an album?” But when you talk about, really, that’s 18 pages of 10x20s, and [crosstalk 00:12:07] charge for a 10×20, that really clicked with me. It’s like, “Yeah, you’re right. Then it should be that much.” And having that language to communicate that with your clients is key. And that was a huge takeaway from the class for me, is having those words, because you are just such a wordsmith. You’re just so awesome at crafting responses to difficult situations and questions that come up. And so having that starting point and then making it your own, it is just having that language is so [crosstalk 00:12:38].
Allison Tyler Jones: Well, thank you for saying that. That’s kind. I don’t know how wordsmithy I am, but I do know that I have just had so many frustrating situations that have come up again and again and again that I didn’t have words for, that I finally… It’s anger, right? I finally get to the anger point and I’m like, “Okay, that’s it. I got to have the words for this.” And so I think many of us get to that point, but maybe we never actually come up with the words. We just still stumble around and then get mad at clients or prospective clients, when really, if we just had a couple of well-crafted sentences, it would really solve a lot of problems for us.
Julie Collins: Exactly. And memorizing those, and just getting them into your skull, saying them over and over and over again.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. My sister that’s an interior designer, we would say, whenever there’s a problem that comes up, we’d end up in each other’s office and go, “Okay, I need a mantra. I just need a mantra. Like give two sentences so you have some…” And her client problems were like a magnitude bigger than mine, because it was a several million dollar house or whatever. Somebody’s mad about whatever, and so it’s like, “Okay, what am I going to say? How am I going to handle this?” And it does really help to just have a couple of good sentences to be able to handle that. What’s an example of that? What is one that you found good that you were able to craft for yourself?
Julie Collins: Well, just simplifying. Again, simplifying your message as to what you’re doing here. Like, “What are you selling? You’re selling wall art and albums, and that’s about it.” So, if people are saying, “Well, I just want a little 8×10. I just want a little this or a little that,” or, “Just some Christmas cards.” Or, “Just a little mini this, mini that.” And that’s not what you do. If that’s what you want, then you’re going to have to go find a mom with a camera. You’re not going to find that here, because that’s not what I’m doing. So if you want to work with me, then you’re going to either put something on your wall or have a custom design album. So, that’s just top of mind because it’s easy, it’s short, it’s concise and it’s simple.
Allison Tyler Jones: Can we talk about clients for a sec? Do you have any idea who your very best clients are and how are you deciding who’s best, anyway? More importantly, what are you doing to get inside their heads and figure out what they really need? I don’t think you need me to tell you how important quality clients are to the health of your business and your sanity, but actually I think you do because so many photographers I talk to are still struggling to attract, and more importantly, to hang onto really great clients. The problem isn’t that the great clients aren’t out there. The problem is, is that they don’t understand what it is that you can do for them and how great that service can be and how it can completely change their life. It’s time to double down on what makes you unique and clearly toot your horn so everyone, including prospective, new, amazing clients, know exactly what you do and how you do it.
Allison Tyler Jones: I want to get you up to speed on the exact strategies that I’m using right now in my portrait studio to identify, communicate with, and take amazing care of our best clients, all without spending a fortune on ads or marketing. And I put it all together in a masterclass called Cultivating a Quality Clientele, a behind-the-scenes secret to creating a profitable business built around your unique style and your best clients without working around the clock or having to market like a crazy person. In this training I am going to walk you through the major mind shift that all successful portrait photographers must make to clarify a very unique style. How to innovate by ignoring the competition and focusing on what you do best. Simplifying to sell more. A clear way to talk about your work that will educate your clients instead of “selling” them.
Allison Tyler Jones: The most simple and effective marketing strategy that we’ve found that costs no money and will have your clients buzzing about you to their friends. And a single most effective way to increase your profits in your business, and why you must know this before you change anything else. I’m offering this masterclass multiple days and times. So, if you are willing to invest just 60 minutes to dig deep and look closely at your own business in a new way, I promise to reward your commitment with only my most effective strategies that have made huge differences in my own portrait studio. Strategies that will have your clients loving you more than ever and bragging about you to their friends. Sound good? Go to That’s,, and register for the time that works best for your schedule. Can’t wait to see you there.
Allison Tyler Jones: What’s the fear behind that? Because don’t you think so many of us are like, “Well, if I say that, then they won’t want to work with me. Then I’ll lose them.”
Julie Collins: Right. It’s that disease to please. Right?
Allison Tyler Jones: Right. Yeah. So then it’s okay to let them think that they can come and get an 8×10 and you’re going to be completely happy to shoot their kids for X number of hours and retouch and prepare and everything, and that’s going to be okay with you? So, if it’s not okay with you, then you shouldn’t say that it’s okay.
Julie Collins: Yeah. I mean, you’re right. It’s the fear of losing clients. I’ve become very good friends with a lot of my clients, and so it’s hard to lose them. I mean, it doesn’t feel good, and you want to please them. So, change is hard, basically. But you have to do it and you have to think about why you’re changing. What is the whole why? And that’s my family. It’s my family and my kids that are aging too fast.
Allison Tyler Jones: IÂ know. Oh, my gosh. Seriously. It’s so true. Well, and don’t you feel that after you’ve been in business for a while that so many of the changes that really make a huge difference are little? They’re like just a nuance. It’s like a little this, rather than like, when you’re first starting, you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, when you put a soft box on a light, that’s amazing.” it’s like you’re learning the craft, you’re learning the business. Every day is some big, huge revelation. Like, “I had no idea you needed to do that,” or whatever. But now that you’ve mastered your craft, you know the business for the most part, it’s really in those little tiny nuances of how you say something or how you present something that can make huge differences, not just to your client, but in how we think about it ourselves.
Julie Collins: Right. You’re so right. I can’t say it better than what you’ve just said. It’s like these little tweaks that you just do and it just changes everything. Like I said with the album, it’s how you present that to them. And then they see, “Oh, you’re right, that is how many images, how much of your time to create those images.” It’s all in this book. So, words are everything. That’s what I’ve learned. Words are everything.
Allison Tyler Jones: Words are power, for sure. So if I could have a genie come and wave his… Well, I guess genies don’t have magic wands, but you rub the lamp and then the genie came out and he said, or she, “If there’s something that’s just bugging you or that you would need help with right now, what would that genie solve for you?”
Julie Collins: Well, at first thought I would say, building a bigger team of support.
Allison Tyler Jones: Okay.
Julie Collins: And I do have a mini team. I have a pseudo team right now. I have a girl that does my blogging and email marketing. I also hired, finally, someone last year on a personal level, somebody to clean my house, which is a total game changer.
Allison Tyler Jones: Okay. You’re preaching to the choir on that one.
Julie Collins: Yeah.
Allison Tyler Jones: Love it.
Julie Collins: And then I did have a retoucher, but something came up and she had to leave me right in the middle of busy season at the end of last year. So I unfortunately lost her and didn’t have time to replace her. But, yeah, that’s number one on my list. But I want somebody to start doing my installations, like a handyman. I want to focus more on things that I want to do instead of-
Allison Tyler Jones: What are those? What do you love to do?
Julie Collins: Shooting. Being with people. I love my clients. I’m a total extrovert through and through. And so, consultations and sales sessions, and anything that has to do with the client is what I want to do. And that includes, of course, shooting. But the installations is not my favorite. Packaging up things is not my favorite. And not to say that I wouldn’t go along and chit chat with the client while they’re installing, but I don’t want to do math anymore. I don’t want to bring my hammer and nails, and I don’t want to do that anymore. And, so, somebody to take off the initial inquiry, just weeding through the people that obviously aren’t going to work out, that would be great. So initially that would be my first thought, is building a bigger team of support.
Julie Collins: But like I said before, I just recently listened to your podcast with Kimberly Wylie and I had a serious epiphany while I was listening to that. The bigger problem is my time management and efficiency. Not to say that a team isn’t worthwhile and necessary. It absolutely is, but I really need to take a serious look at my calendar and make a date with my calendar and start timeblocking. And I will say that I have tried timelocking before in the past, but I am committed this year. I’m going to do it. I’m going to stick with it and make the changes because I really think that that’s going to make a big change in my efficiency and my time.
Allison Tyler Jones: So, where are you going wrong with that? Do you feel like it’s just that you’re scheduling just anything anywhere, and so you’re not feeling like you’re getting into the flow? Or, what is the big problem? What do you see as a problem with that?
Julie Collins: I just feel like things come up and then it just throws me off. With four kids, you can imagine, my time, it’s very limited. And so things will come up and then it’s like, “Oh, I can’t do that. I’m scheduled to do an installation only on Thursdays, but my kid can only get into this dentist appointment on Thursday. Okay. Well, I can’t do it Thursday, so now I’m going to have to do it on Wednesday, but Wednesday is my education day. And so I really want to…” Like, it’s all jumbled up and it makes me crazy that it can’t be consistent all the time.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yes. And I think that’s common because life happens and we created these businesses because we wanted to have freedom in our life. You know I have seven kids, so I get the kid thing, and you’re in the thick of it right now and you’re not going to be out of that business anytime soon. How old is your youngest?
Julie Collins: 10.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. So you got a few years. So, if you even did a timeblocking kind of thing, where you said… Like how many days a week are you working, typically?
Julie Collins: Too many.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. Just whatever. Like there’s something [crosstalk 00:23:58]
Julie Collins: Yeah. Well, I mean, I don’t work on Sundays, let’s just put that over. And I’m trying not to work Saturdays also.
Allison Tyler Jones: Okay. So you know, you and I both know, and this is probably going back to a Kathryn Langsford podcast, which I’ll have to link in the show notes because I don’t know which one that I can remember, but it was a couple of times ago where she was talking about her timeframe, spending her time. And so you know that if, heaven forbid, one of your kids got sick and needed regular care, that would just happen. There would be no question about it. You wouldn’t be thinking, “How am I going to do this?” It would just be like, “So, I’m not working Fridays or Saturdays anymore, and that’s it.” And that’s going to be the doctor’s appointment and that’s when it’s going to happen and that’s it. And then you would just make it work. It would just happen. So why do we wait? And I don’t say this, like, “Why do you wait?”
Allison Tyler Jones: I say “we” because I’m including myself in this. Why do we wait until something like that happens for us to realize, “You know who makes the schedule? Me. I’m the one that makes the schedule.” So when I’m complaining about my schedule and how my schedule’s driving me crazy, I only have one person to blame for that, and that’s me. So when I went to creating, I created that timeblocking thing because I was having somebody else schedule me. And so that’s where it’s going to help you, Julie, I think, if you can do the discipline yourself to say, “Okay, this is a shoot day. This is a view and order day. This is a whatever day. And these are my days during this week.” So, if you have a month that you’re looking at and you know, “Okay, I have a dentist appointment for kid number three on Thursday, that’s the third Thursday of the month. Okay.” Book every doctor’s appointment or whatever, like pull all the kids out of school that day and just do them all that day.
Julie Collins: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Allison Tyler Jones:
And, I mean, you can’t always do that, but kind of. Maybe that’s the day that you also schedule to get your highlights done, that afternoon, or get a pedicure with your husband, or whatever. Like that self-care and helping, whatever. So once something goes on the calendar, I think it’s tempting, when I was first doing that timeblocking, I would look at it and I would put the things in, which I still do. I’ll put those days in, but these don’t always work like that. So then, once something else goes on a day, then I just make that kind of activity that day.
Julie Collins: Right, right. Or you could give me that genie and then he can just like, “Poof.”
Allison Tyler Jones: Seriously.
Julie Collins: [crosstalk 00:26:16] all.
Allison Tyler Jones: No, I’ve never giving you that genie. I will share that genie with you, but I do not have… Yeah. The calendar, I think, for solopreneurs or entrepreneurs or creative professionals, I hate the calendar. I’d be like-
Julie Collins: [inaudible 00:26:27] nuts.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. When you look at it and you see all of those things on there, you’re like, “I’m never going to have freedom ever again.”
Julie Collins: I know. I know. Yeah. But I am because I’m going to do it this year. I 100% am going to sit down and work through it. And I love your idea of doing the 90-day goals. And I think that’s a much more manageable chunk that I can bite off, is just do three months at a time and see how it goes, because just do a math. Imagine the whole year of timeblocking, it just is overwhelming to me. So I think the 90-days is key.
Allison Tyler Jones: And I think, as with anything, you have to make it your own and it has to work for your family. Do your boys play sports?
Julie Collins: Oh, yeah.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. So, if you have that, that’s a huge chunk of time. I mean, I don’t have to tell you. So I think, if you said, “If I had to work four days a week, could I do it?” And just look at it from that angle, that doesn’t mean that you have to work four days a week. But if you had to, could you make it work? And then I think you’re going to start seeing stuff opens up to you once you think, “What if I could? Could I? Could I quit working Saturdays altogether?”
Julie Collins: Right.
Allison Tyler Jones: “If I never shoot another Saturday again in my life?” Yeah, you sure could. Or, you could say, “I’m going to shoot one Saturday a month,” or, “I’m going to shoot one Saturday a quarter.” That’s kind of what I did, because I really wanted to get rid of the weekends, and so I just started saying, “Okay, I’m going to set aside one Saturday a month.” And, of course, like if I said, “Okay, it’s the third Saturday.” And then some great client calls and says, “I need it the second Saturday.” Then that was the day. But then I did shoot the others. Then I slowly went to a quarter, and then I went to… I only do a couple of Saturdays in November, October, and it’s glorious. Challenging.
Julie Collins: Sounds glorious. I’m going to do it. This is my year. This is my year for taking control of my calendar.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. That would be my genie. If I could pick a genie, it would be somebody that just to magically make my calendar what I love it to be.
Julie Collins: Right.
Allison Tyler Jones: Yeah. I love it.
Julie Collins: Yeah, we all need that genie, for sure.
Allison Tyler Jones: So, what advice do you have, Julie, after 10 years in business and you have a beautiful brand, you do beautiful work, you have great clientele. What advice would you have for struggling photographers that maybe want to give it up? Or, what’s something that was life changing for you that could help?
Julie Collins: Well, obviously take the ATJ class, but beyond that, I would say, honestly, that would be it. Is get some education. I mean, my whole life changed when I started educating myself on not only the work itself, because I feel like a lot of photographers focus more on the technique, in getting education on the technique versus getting education on the business. And so maybe that’s where they’re going wrong because they have a beautiful, beautiful work but they’re working at all hours of the night trying to edit all that work and just not having a successful business.
Allison Tyler Jones: Right.
Julie Collins: But educating yourself on the business of photography is so key because you can’t sustain that. You can’t physically sustain shooting that much for that long if you’re not making any money doing it. So, my life changed when I got some education and actually I met some friends along the way, in all the different classes that I’ve taken online and formed these masterminds and-
Allison Tyler Jones: Yes.
Julie Collins: … it just enriches your life in more ways than you’ll imagine. So that’s the advice that I would give.
Allison Tyler Jones: I love that. Well, you certainly are a integral part of our community and we appreciate you and it’s been awesome to talk to you. Thank you so much for spending the time with us today.
Julie Collins: Thank you, Allison, for having me on.
Allison Tyler Jones: Thank you. Do you know someone who would really benefit from this episode of the ReWork? Maybe a fellow photographer who’s in the trenches with you and always looking to level up their biz. Or perhaps you have a friend who is struggling to make their business work. I would be so grateful if you would share this episode with them. All you have to do is head to the platform where you are listening, click the share icon and text it or email it to the person that you think could need it most. Thank you so much for doing that. And while you’re there, if you have a chance and can give us a review, it would mean the world. We are a micro tiny podcast, and we’re trying to get the word out to as many portrait photographers as possible to help them build better businesses and better lives for their family. And if you would help us do that, it would mean the world. Thank you so much, and we’ll see you next time on the ReWork.
Recorded: You can find more great resources from Allison at and on Instagram at do.the.rework.