Choosing Less But Better

Guest: April Graves

Owner | Light Drawn Studios
Lake Forest & Barrington, Illinois

DATE: August 08, 2024

Powered by RedCircle

Have you ever felt the need to slow down in order to recharge?

Maybe you’re burnt out on what you’ve been shooting and are ready to shift your artistic vision and try something new.

Today’s guest, April Graves, has been there. April experienced some setbacks and personal loss in the last year and it caused her to take a step back and reevaluate her choices both personal and professional. April still runs two luxury portrait studios in Illinois and she still loves what she’s doing, but she’s found that making a few tweaks to her business-as-usual is making all the difference.

Join us as April shares updates on her journey and her growth since the last time she was on the show, having embraced a less but better philosophy which involves slowing down and recharging as well as exploring new artistic endeavors.

Inspired by classic art, April has been using museum visits to elevate her fairytale portraits in new ways. We discuss her pivot from chaotic to meaningful connections, the importance of having personal signatures in how you interact with clients, and the value of focusing on relationships over mass marketing.

We also touch upon:

  • How she’s shifting focus to oil painting and mixed media
  • How she combines digital underpainting with traditional oil painting
  • Why she prefers building personal connections over social media ads

You’ll find so much inspiration here for making an artistic pivot of your own.

Tune in NOW to hear how April’s evolving approach could spark fresh ideas for your own creative endeavors. 

Let’s do it!

>>> In addition, I have a FREE resource just for our ReWork listeners,
that you can grab here:
The ReWork Guide to Converting Leads Into Clients.<<<<<<< 

In this episode, you will learn the importance of evolving and shifting and MORE, including but not limited to:

  • Focus on Quality Over Quantity: choosing fewer, high-quality projects and taking time to renew creative energy!
  • Personal Connections: the value of building personal relationships over just relying on paid social media ads.
  • Artistic Evolution: April’s shift from photography to oil painting and mixed media
  • Tailored Communication: writing personalized emails rather than generic ones
  • Continuous Inspiration: how regular visits to museums and reflecting on art have been integral for April’s creative process and personal growth!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [2:11] – Because of increased commissions, April has raised prices.
  • [3:56] – Returning to oil painting, April’s favorite work is an equestrian painting.
  • [6:17] – Hear how April shifted focus from social media to personal connections.
  • [9:15] – Building a strong client foundation is important for growth.
  • [12:48] – April appreciated the positive impact from recent events and highlights the value of genuine connections.
  • [15:43] – April values personal relationships over paid ads.
  • [18:59] – Personal email touches are more effective than paid ads for April.
  • [21:36] – April keeps her calendar full by reaching out to clients and tracking details.
  • [24:32] – Share personal interests, keeping things genuine and not just business.
  • [27:23] – ATJ enjoys sharing behind-the-scenes moments but keeps detailed process notes minimal.
  • [30:20] – April finds the Art Institute inspiring and adjusts visits based on her guests’ interests.
  • [32:29] – Global anxiety highlights the importance of recharging and finding inspiration, like at the Art Institute.
  • [34:14] – Monthly visits to the Art Institute provide April with clarity and creativity
  • [37:33] – April adapts her approach between family portraits and fairytales to connect on a unique basis.
  • [39:05] – Reframing personal stories reveals value.
  • [41:33] – April looks back at past portraits and stories, valuing the progress made and challenges overcome.
  • [43:27] – Looking to history for support and inspiration helps tackle big challenges and boost creativity.
  • [46:15] – Pursue what YOU truly want, not what society expects of you!
  • [48:44] – April finds the book 10x Is Easier than 2x by Dan Sullivan transformative.

Click here to listen!

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Also, if you haven’t already, FOLLOW the podcast. We’ll be adding some bonus episodes to the feed this season, and if you’re not following, you’ll miss out. Follow now!

You can also email me directly with your suggestions at: support@dotherework.com – OR DM me directly on Instagram  @atjphoto or @do.the.rework 

We’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and ideas! 

Links and Resources:
Download a Transcript
April’s Previous ReWork Episode #106

Book: 10x Is Easier than 2x: How World Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less by Dan Sullivan
Book: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron 

Favorite Podcast (Besides The ReWork!) Donald Miller’s Business Made Simple

Renoir: French Film that April found inspiring
Bridgerton on Netflix
Anne With an E on Netflix

The Art Institute of Chicago

April Graves / Light Drawn Studios
Website | Instagram

Do The ReWork
Website | Instagram

Allison Tyler Jones
Website | Instagram | LinkedIn